Table Topics
Mind-stretching brain games and conversation starters. It's the perfect opportunity for sharing stories, building knowledge, strengthening character, and having fun!
Play a game of I Spy. One person starts by saying, "I spy with my little eye something round (or chooses another describing word). The next player can either make a guess as to what the object is, or ask a yes or no question that uses another describing word, "Is it smooth?" When someone correctly names the object, that person starts a new round.
One version of the game would allow a player making a wrong guess to remain in the game (best for younger players). Another version has a wrong guess serve as a disqualifier and that person may no longer participate in that round. This version encourages players to think of more adjectives.
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Avoid Negation
I would guess you already know Pig Latin, but if you don't visit this web site and then have your dinner discussion in a foreign language hee hee!