What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?
Make dinner time, family time!

Table Topics

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Table Topics

Mind-stretching brain games and conversation starters. It's the perfect opportunity for sharing stories, building knowledge, strengthening character, and having fun!

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Conflict Resolution – Generating New Ideas

Developing new ideas is an integral part of conflict resolution. Not only that, it is a challenging and rewarding experience! There is no other feeling quite like the one that comes from generating a new idea that actually works.

Try it now. Suggest a familiar conflict within your family and brainstorm as many possible solutions as everyone can generate. (Remember, one of the most important rules to brainstorming is to never censor the ideas as they are suggested.) After all the new ideas have been exhausted, examine each one in detail and narrow your list down to one or two to try.

Use this situation to get you started, if you wish.

Adult: "Do your homework as soon as you ng character and ensures that the important things get taken care of."

Child: I've been at school all day! When I get home, I want to relax for a while. Besides, I can get my homework done in the morning before school if I have to."

This family turned a creative idea into a compromise:

Solving Problems Using Conflict Resolution Skills

get along

I'm glad we worked that out.

What motivates conflict?

Read another issue of Table Topics
Journey With No Destination

Play A Game – Alliteration

Alliteration is simply using the same initial letter in a group of words. For this game take turns creating sentences that use alliteration. Here are some examples.

Can caterpillars crawl?

Eskimos eat early.

Fast Freda frequently finished first.

Here's another game that uses alliteration.

An Alliteration Game Inspired by Thomas Jefferson

baby toes

Ten tiny toes trying to touch toys.

Alliteration activity

Alex's Mystery Picture

Can you solve
Alex's Mystery Picture?

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