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Economics – Supply And Demand

Understanding the concept of supply and demand provides a student with the foundation of economics.

If a product is priced too high, then you will find plenty of those items in the store. In this case the supply is greater than the demand. People didn’t want to pay that much, so they bought something else or skipped the purchase.

If a product is offered at a low price or not enough of them were manufactured, you may have a hard time finding the item you are seeking. In this case the demand is greater than the supply.

How are you and the members of your family affected by supply and demand?

What factors increase the demand for a product? What factors decrease demand?

Supply and Demand

What is a monopoly?

What is supply and demand?

What is a monopoly?

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Have fun with slang

In The News – Turning Thoughts Into Actions

It has always amazed me that an artificial limb can receive commands from the brain to bend and move the same way a real limb does. Even more amazing is Brain Gate implant that can allow a handicapped person to write e-mail, play video games, change the channels on the television and open curtains!

Read more about this amazing development in brain technology.

BBC News - Brain Chips Could Help Paralyzed

Is your brain still growing?

Turning thoughts into actions

Is your brain still growing?

Alex's Mystery Picture

Can you solve
Alex's Mystery Picture?

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