What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?
Make dinner time, family time!

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How Much Do You Know? – The Gods of Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt

We moved several times when I was a child and I missed out studying about the ancient gods. My contribution to this discussion would be limited to Thor the God of Thunder. But maybe you know some of the other gods of ancient times. If not, join me in learning more:

Welcome to MYTHHOME:Mythology Site

Ancient God

Relics remain depicting the gods of ancient civilizations.

The Loch Ness Monster

Read another issue of Table Topics
Fun with Similes

Personality – Are You A Leader?

Are you the person in your group who is always ready to suggest a new idea or take charge of the situation?  Are you more comfortable letting others decide while you contribute in quieter ways?  What behaviors do you think identify the natural-born leader?  Take a quiz and find out.

Test leadership - Positive-Club

Thinking of a Number

I believe that I am a natural born leader.

Play Follow The Leader

Alex's Mystery Picture

Can you solve
Alex's Mystery Picture?

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