What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?
Make dinner time, family time!

Table Topics

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Table Topics

Mind-stretching brain games and conversation starters. It's the perfect opportunity for sharing stories, building knowledge, strengthening character, and having fun!

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Share Your Knowledge – Glaciers

How much do you know about glaciers?  Describe how glaciers are formed.  Name places on earth where you would find glaciers.  Explain how glaciers can change the shape of the land.

What is a glacier?



Glaciers change the shape of land around them.

Play a Science Word Chain game

Read another issue of Table Topics
Exercise your brain with mental math

Thoughts – Empathetic Or Judgmental?

I confess that I often make sociological observations about the behavior of others.

  • Why wasn't the driver in front of me watching the traffic signal more closely?  The light is green and I'm ready to go!
  • That is the second time that waitress has refilled everyone's iced tea glasses, but no one has asked the water drinkers if they need refills.
  • Orange shoes with a pink dress seems like an odd combination to me.  That is weird!

But replace the euphemism "sociological observations" with the cold truth and I would have to admit that I am being judgmental.  I know that I should replace my judgmental thoughts with empathetic feelings.

  • Okay, so that driver wasn't completely on top of the signal thing.  He or she must have been momentarily distracted.  I'm sure I have made other people wait for me at times.
  • The supervisor has trained the waitresses to be attentive to iced tea glasses.  I'll ask her to refill my water the next time she comes by.
  • That person might be color blind, or have dressed in the dark this morning.  Otherwise she is just someone who enjoys lots of color.

Take turns naming situations in which judgmental thoughts can be replaced with a more empathetic response.

Green Traffic Light

The light is green, go already!

I can be especially impatient in grocery stores

Alex's Mystery Picture

Can you solve
Alex's Mystery Picture?

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