Table Topics
Mind-stretching brain games and conversation starters. It's the perfect opportunity for sharing stories, building knowledge, strengthening character, and having fun!
Have you ever eaten in a restaurant and been handed a plastic spork for your food. You know, concave like a spoon, but with small tines on the end like a fork? The word spork is an example of a portmanteau. You might be using your spork to eat brunch (breakfast, lunch) at your motel (motor, hotel).
We have an emu farm outside our town where the emus live in domed igloo-type buildings. I call those emu houses emugloos. I've also seen dogloos.
Think of some more words that are formed by combining two other words.
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Do you believe in ESP?
How would you describe density? Name some things that have a high level of density. What types of things are not very dense?