What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?
Make dinner time, family time!

Table Topics

Today's suggested meal:

Food, Fun and Facts!

Table Topics

Mind-stretching brain games and conversation starters. It's the perfect opportunity for sharing stories, building knowledge, strengthening character, and having fun!

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Engineering Achievements – How Many Did You Use Today?

The National Academy of Engineering lists the following as the 20 greatest engineering achievements of the 20th century.

1. Electrification
2. Automobile
3. Airplane
4. Water Supply and Distribution
5. Electronics
6. Radio and Television
7. Agricultural Mechanization
8. Computers
9. Telephone
10. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
11. Highways
12. Spacecraft
13. Internet
14. Imaging
15. Household Appliances
16. Health Technologies
17. Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies
18. Laser and Fiber Optics
19. Nuclear Technologies
20. High-performance Materials

How many of these did you use today? I counted 12 that I know for certain that I personally used, but I am sure that most, if not all the remainder, affected my life in some way. (Or I used it but just didn't know it!)

Stuck in Traffic

Getting us where we want to go

The History Of Transportation

Read another issue of Table Topics
What are the causes of conflict?

Building Empathy – The Ostracized Individual

Do you know someone who is simply unpopular? What is it that makes this person "not fit in"? Perhaps he or she is different than others in some way? Perhaps he or she is shy or gets into fights too easily?

What advice could you give this person? What advice could you give others so that no one ever gets left out?

The Socially Isolated Student

Words Can Hurt

Do you stand apart?

Building Character

Alex's Mystery Picture

Can you solve
Alex's Mystery Picture?

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