What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?
Make dinner time, family time!

Table Topics

Today's suggested meal:

Complete-meal recipes

Food, Fun and Facts!

Table Topics

Mind-stretching brain games and conversation starters. It's the perfect opportunity for sharing stories, building knowledge, strengthening character, and having fun!

dinner table fun

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Building Character – Character VS Reputation

John Wooden said, “Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

What does this quotation mean to the people in your family?

The Power of Good Character - School for Champions


Protect your reputation by practicing good character.

The Six C's

Read another issue of Table Topics
Create Word Scramble Puzzles

Creativity – Wacky Rules

Be your most outrageous and make up some wacky rules that will never become laws.

  • Anyone caught jaywalking will in the future cross at crosswalks while walking backwards.
  • An unleashed dog will have its tongue stuck to the roof of its mouth with peanut butter.
  • Shoplifters would be required to wear a flashing light on their heads whenever in a store for the next three months.

What are your wacky rules?


All luggage must be stored outside the vehicle.

Changing The Rules

Alex's Mystery Picture

Can you solve
Alex's Mystery Picture?

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