Quality Time
Fun, Educational Activities For Parents and Children - The times spent with your family and the people you love are precious and irreplaceable. Make tonight a special memory and learn something together!
This simple game is excellent for helping young children understand the concept of place value. Older children enjoy it also because of the element of competition.
You will need a regular die and something to write on. Each player first makes a place value chart.
Learn more about place value charts here:
Numbers - Place Value
Taking turns rolling the die and placing the number rolled into one of the sections of your place value chart. When the number has been completed, the person who has created the largest number is the winner.
Younger learners will probably understand the concept better with a 2 or 3 place number (ones, tens, hundreds). Challenge your more advanced learners with a place value chart that includes decimals.
Other variations of the game include having all players use the same digits (everyone puts a number into their chart with each roll of the die-best for beginning learners), each player enters only the numbers they themselves roll, or using two dice instead of one and making 10, 11 and 12 represent zero.
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