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Salmon Fried Rice with Herbed Pineapple

Salmon Fried Rice with Herbed Pineapple

Salmon Fried Rice with Herbed Pineapple

Teriyaki sauce flavors instant rice stir-fried with onions, peas and salmon. Serve with warm herbed pineapple tidbits.

How many servings?

From kitchen to table in 30 minutes.

instant rice
teriyaki sauce
frozen peas
cooked salmon
pineapple tidbits
fresh thyme
fresh rosemary

  1. In a saucepan, heat water on high until boiling. Stir in instant rice, cover and reduce heat to lowest setting.
  2. While rice cooks, chop onion and set aside. Mince herbs and set aside
  3. When rice has absorbed all the water (about 15 minutes), transfer to a non-stick skillet. Add onion and teriyaki sauce and cook over medium heat until onion is becoming tender (about 5 minutes).
  4. Drain off juice from pineapple, reserving one tablespoon. Place pineapple and reserved juice in a skillet along with minced herbs. Heat on medium. Stir often.
  5. Add frozen peas to rice and continue to cook until peas are tender and cooked through. Stir often. Serve with pineapple.

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