What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?
Fast and Furious Meatless Chili

Fast and Furious Meatless Chili

Fast and Furious Meatless Chili

Open a can of pinto beans, stir in frozen peppers and onions, add a few items from your refrigerator and spice rack and enjoy a spicy chili really fast.

How many servings?

From kitchen to table in 15 minutes.

canned pinto beans, drained
frozen onions and peppers
garlic flakes
dried cilantro
chili powder
dried cumin

  1. Drain and rinse pinto beans. Place in a large saucepan.
  2. Add frozen vegetables, salsa and ketchup to beans. Turn heat on to medium low and warm until vegetables begin to thaw. Stir often.
  3. When beans, vegetables and sauce have blended, turn heat up to medium. Sprinkle in spices and stir to blend well. Serve when hot and bubbly.

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