What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?
Make dinner time, family time!

Quality Time

Today's suggested meal:

Food, Fun and Facts!

Quality Time

Fun, Educational Activities For Parents and Children - The times spent with your family and the people you love are precious and irreplaceable. Make tonight a special memory and learn something together!

Quality Time as a Family

Play A Math Game – The Never Ending Problem

Each player has a piece of paper and a pencil. (You can choose to include calculators if you wish). To start the game each player creates and solves a math problem of his or her choosing. For example

  • 44 divided by 2 equals 22

Next, each person passes his or her paper to the player on the right. This player must take the results of the first problem, create and solve a new problem.

  • 22 plus 144 equals 166

Pass the papers to the right again and create a new problem.

  • 166 < 1000 (The next player would start a problem with the number 1000.)

And on you go! Who can create the trickiest problem?

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