What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?
Make dinner time, family time!

Quality Time

Today's suggested meal:

Complete-meal recipes

Food, Fun and Facts!

Quality Time

Fun, Educational Activities For Parents and Children - The times spent with your family and the people you love are precious and irreplaceable. Make tonight a special memory and learn something together!

Quality Time as a Family

Play A Game – Green Charades

Take turns acting out things that we can do to protect our environment.

  • How would you convey the idea of exchanging a car with low gas mileage with a more economical vehicle?

  • Which actions would you use to express recycling?

Gather some ideas from these sources:

What you can do to help the environment

Things you can do for the environment

Charades Hand Motions

You guessed it!

How to play Charades

Read another issue of Quality Time
Smiling Or Unsmiling

Alex's Mystery Picture

Can you solve
Alex's Mystery Picture?

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