What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?
Make dinner time, family time!

Quality Time

Today's suggested meal:

Food, Fun and Facts!

Quality Time

Fun, Educational Activities For Parents and Children - The times spent with your family and the people you love are precious and irreplaceable. Make tonight a special memory and learn something together!

Quality Time as a Family

Math – Money Skills

Have you ever stood at a cash register with an amount owing of $14.28 and you hand the cashier a twenty dollar bill and then as a second thought added three pennies? You expect to get a five dollar bill and three quarters in return. What you really get is a dazed and confused cashier who had already entered the twenty dollar bill into the computerized cash register and wants to hand you back the five dollar bill along with seventy-two cents in change. What are those three pennies in your hand for?

We are becoming so reliant on computers that even a simple problem such as the one illustrated above are beyond the calculating capabilities of many. Don't let that happen to you!

Use this interactive game by FunBrain to practice making change. Skill levels are varied and different types of currency are offered.

FunBrain.com - Change Maker

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