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Article – Learn The Hand Motions For The Game Of Charades
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– by Jean Fisher
Describe it with your body, play the game charades. Here are the hand motions to make the game fun.
What are you planning to act out? Is it a book title, a song title or a movie title?
Book Title
Song Title
Movie Title
How many words are in your riddle?
There are six words.
Which word will you act out?
I'll act out the first word.
How long is your word?
Long Word
Short Word
How many syllables are in your word?
I'll count out the syllables on my forearm.
Are my guesses close to the correct word?
You are getting close.
You are not close.
Is there another word I can guess that sounds like the word you are describing?
I'll describe a word that sounds like the word I want you to guess.
Did I get it right?
On the nose
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